RECOMMENDED FOR USE UP TO 106°F. Sustainable Agave Products are strong & durable & at a price competitive to conventional plastics that are harmful, disposable, single-use materials. Why not choose Sustainable Agave?
WON'T GET SOGGY. Our agave products don't turn to mush like traditional paper straws & cups. Stronger than paper & smarter than conventional plastic or styrofoam. For those who put our planet first!
DURABLE & BIODEGRADABLE. Strong products made from plants, giving purpose to processed agave. Biodegradable, eco-friendly household products avoiding landfills and putting Mother Earth first.
MADE WITH UPCYCLED AGAVE. Agave fibers are strong, durable & when used to replace single-use, disposable goods, can reduce the demand for farmed & natural resources including our trees & forests.
Environmentally friendly substitute for plastic. Our Sustainable Agave products, made from plants, break down naturally and lessen waste instead of increasing it like regular plastic and other disposable materials.